iotspot app: improved experience

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

As iotspot believes in a user centered working environment, we focused on improving the user experience of the iotspot app in the latest release. Over the past few months we have been actively gathering user’s experiences and feedback.

As we all know, offices are used differently nowadays. These changes also affect the way iotspot is used. These insights have led to some important updates in the app. 

Release Notes:

1. More possibilities when booking ahead

- View who will be in the office tomorrow in a swipe

- Check the availability of your favorite desk for tomorrow in a swipe

- Check the availability of desks in your team zone tomorrow

- Future bookings in maps available

- Agenda selection simplifications

- Future bookings from the homepage buttons

2. Map integration

- Integration between maps and overview pages

- Open maps directly from any page or zone

- The (iotspot) overview page has been extended with maps. So, you can see the location of a department.

- Go directly to Maps from My Favourites, My Colleagues and the Home zone

3. Simplification of the app

- Reduction in number of buttons

- Change language settings via the App’s settings in the iOS version

Are you already using the app? The updates are pushed automatically. So, check the app to see how it works. Or download the iotspot app to try a free demo.



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